The Return of Tiger Woods: Related Stories and Resources
The Related Stories and Resources page is where you can find additional material related to the essay The Return of Tiger Woods, by Terence C. Gannon. You can also listen to the original essay on your favourite podcasting platform where it appeared as part of the Not There Yet podcast read by the author.
HERE COMES TIGER! The Calgary Herald, August 28, 1996 by The Associated Press. I thought I had really screwed up. I went to, one of my favourite resources for story research, and hopscotched around the newspaper reports of Tiger turning pro in 1996. To my horror, they were not the way I remembered them and certainly would not have been described as “a small article about an amateur golf phenom” as I wrote in the original article. Had my memory of the original news article of the Calgary Herald been faded that much? To my relief, no. Here’s the modest original article which appeared on the fifth page of the sports section and about which my ‘charm school’ classmates and I talked way back then.