The Collapse of the Cornish Tin Mines: Related Stories and Resources
The Related Stories and Resources page is where you can find additional material related to the essay The Collapse of the Cornish Tin Mines by Terence C. Gannon. You can also listen to the original essay on your favourite podcasting platform where it appeared as part of the Not There Yet podcast read by the author.
After 50 years of trying to diversify its economy, Alberta is still stuck on oil The Financial Post, Geoffrey Morgan, May 3rd, 2019. One of the intents of The Collapse of the Cornish Tin Mines was to draw a comparison between a well-established resource industry of the past with the current resource industry on with the economy of Alberta depends. Just as the tin mining collapse was “unexpected, swift and brutal”, it’s an open question whether a similar fate awaits Alberta and other oil producing provinces in Canada. It will all depend on their ability to diversify which is something the province has been trying to do for decades, without a lot of success, as this article describes.