Self-Driving Cars: Have We Completely Lost Our Minds? Related Stories and Resources
The Related Stories and Resources page is where you can find additional material related to the essay Self-Driving Cars: Have We Completely Lost Our Minds? by Terence C. Gannon. You can also listen to the original essay on your favourite podcasting platform where it appeared as part of the Not There Yet podcast read by the author.
Skydio following Tesla Model 3 FSD BETA 2020.40.8.11 YouTube, October 26th 2020 by Brandon M. It seems as though this video was intended to demonstrate the rather impressive capabilities of the Skydio autonomous drone. Inadvertently — or so it seems — it captured the persistent frailties of the Tesla autonomous driving system. There are two instances of it nearly hitting parked cars. You be the judge — would you get behind the wheel of this vehicle and let it drive you to your next appointment?
Look Who’s Driving Nova on PBS, October 23, 2019 by Kiki Kapany, Michael Schwarz and Edward Gray of KikimMedia. This episode of Nova aired again in late October and while the content was terrifying, it’s at least good to know some of the fears expressed in the original essay from 2016 were not entirely unfounded. As usual, the scariest thing of all are not the quantifiable limitations of the technology but rather how at least some idiot humans abuse it and consciously push it beyond its stated limitations. Well worth watching.
Video appears to show man asleep while Tesla self-drives down freeway CTV News, August 24, 2019 by Alexandra Mae Jones. It was really just a matter of time: “One couple got the shock of their life on a freeway in Los Angeles when they looked over to see that the driver in the car next to them was fast asleep — in a Tesla still going almost 120 km/h.”
Jeremy Clarkson says autonomous cars ‘will never happen’ and has ‘no idea’ why The Grand Tour is such a hit The Globe and Mail, February 24, 2019 by Matt Bubbers. Excerpt: “Totally irrelevant. It’ll never happen. They haven’t yet made a robot that can fetch my slippers so how on Earth are they going to make a robot that can drive me home across London? Not in our lifetime is that going to happen.” So — what do you suppose he really thinks?
Watch LeBron James Nervously Ride in a Self-Driving Car Fortune, October 9, 2017 by Kirsten Korosec. Excerpt: “In the ad, James looks apprehensive, if not nervous as he approaches a car that does not have a human driver behind the wheel. But — as you might expect in advertising — James quickly settles into his experience.”