How Himalaya Should Spend the $100 Million: Related Stories and Resources
The Related Stories and Resources page is where you can find additional material related to the essay How Himalaya Should Spend the $100 Million by Terence C. Gannon. You can also listen to the original essay on your favourite podcasting platform where it appeared as part of the Not There Yet podcast narrated by the author. Items below appear in reverse chronological order based on the date of original publication.
Apple’s Big Move in Podcasting Medium, April 24, 2017 by Terence C. Gannon. To some degree, How Himalaya Should Spend the $100 Million is really a sequel to this 2017 article which speculated on where Apple might take its podcasting platform in the future. At least some of what was predicted has actually come to pass. It, too, is available as an episode of the Not There Yet podcast, if you prefer the spoken word as opposed to the written one.