Champion of Something: Related Stories and Resources
The Related Stories and Resources page is where you can find additional material related to the essay Champion of Something by Terence C. Gannon. You can also listen to the original essay on your favourite podcasting platform where it appeared as part of the Not There Yet podcast narrated by the author. Items below appear in reverse chronological order based on the date of original publication.
Pilot George Clarke uses the ‘crow’ function to assist in landing his RCRCM 2.9m Strega (key photo at top) RC Soaring Digest, March, 2018 by Ian Cummings. Try as we might, we were unable to track down any photos* of the 1976 Canadian National Soaring Championships featured in the original article. To help readers visualize the event, however, we are trying to source photos which capture the zeitgeist of the event if not the event itself. This magnificent photo provides an ultramodern update to the spot landing technique which were an integral part of the original contest way back in 1976.
*If, by any chance, you are in possession of any photos please get in touch. We would love to see them!